The LoRa® Ecosystem
LoRa is bolstered by a diverse global ecosystem of hardware manufacturers, software designers, network providers, and industry associations. Learn more about each of these providers below, and explore featured solutions.

LoRa Alliance
The LoRa Alliance is an open, nonprofit association committed to enabling large scale deployment of LPWAN through the use of the LoRaWAN standard. It has become one of the largest and fastest-growing alliances in the technology sector since its inception in 2015.

Featured Sensor Use Cases
The adoption of LoRa is exponential, and use cases are growing every day. Explore some of the real-world sensor applications on the market today in our library of featured sensor makers.

One of the first steps to creating a project with LoRa devices is selecting the right hardware. From starter kits to gateways and modules, there is an expansive catalog of hardware available to support Internet of Things (IoT) projects for any end-market application. Find the right LoRaWAN gateway for your solution by exploring featured gateway providers.

To deploy an IoT solution based on LoRa, the right selections of application and network server software will need to be in place. Several IoT development platforms support LoRa to help simplify deployment.

Bring end devices to life by connecting to a public, private or hybrid network. LoRaWAN networks are available on six continents around the world. Discover featured networks and access a global coverage map.

Industry Alliances
Semtech actively participates in professional organizations and industry alliances whose efforts work toward harmonizing global efforts for advancing IoT and the adoption of LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN standard. The various associations focus on solving business problems in vertical markets and driving global adoption of LoRa.